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# Project Tracker Priority Status Subject Updated Author Affected version Target version
901 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed AOZ variables transpiler/parsing error. $ is allowed inside a variable name. 12/03/2022 06:46 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
890 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Every time Print is called, a portion of the top line of the screen is cleared 04/08/2022 08:42 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B12) u19 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
885 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Transpiler fails on an unclosed Procedure in this situation 02/17/2022 07:44 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
849 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Restore Label$ form of restore is using a case-sensitive compare. It is expecting all lower case. (Should be an easy fix.) 10/22/2021 11:57 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
847 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed BSave is saving one less byte than it should. Also, the example shown on the F5 help is wrong. 10/22/2021 11:55 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
846 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Bob command does not use the graphic cursor as it should! 10/15/2021 11:57 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
818 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Get Bob i,x1,y1 To x2,y2 is broken. 09/15/2021 12:52 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
817 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Some commands in direct mode do not leave me at the direct mode command prompt. 09/08/2021 11:09 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
808 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Parameters not working properly on Instruction command with AOZ code. 09/18/2021 01:13 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B9) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
803 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Sounds play intermittently. (Approximately every other time they're called.) 09/22/2021 09:41 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
784 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Case in variables is not recognized inside a Procedure!!! 06/14/2021 10:04 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
777 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Direct Mode commands are no longer working (or are working intermittently). 09/08/2021 01:42 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
755 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Creation of New App fails. 07/15/2021 10:31 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
739 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Dir First$ and Dir Next$ do not return the "*" before folder names. 07/21/2021 11:57 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B9) Actions
734 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Load Asset can no longer find files on the AOZ Drive. Now makes AOZ freeze. 07/15/2021 10:40 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
720 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Min and Max no longer work with strings. 10/15/2021 12:01 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
710 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Invalid manifest string crashes the transpiler. 04/14/2021 01:53 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B6a) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
705 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Circles draw too small. Circles off-center (because they're too small) Straight Lines are diagonal. Lines drawn are too thick. 04/14/2021 01:39 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
691 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed File Length causes "Internal error" 04/01/2021 10:28 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B6a) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
687 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Atom's Search box covers found text if it is near the bottom of the listing. 07/15/2021 10:38 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
670 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Str$(c) is causing an Internal error. 02/22/2021 01:03 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
666 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Long text in an alert box in the AOZ Viewer can overwrite the OK button, making it impossible to click the OK button or to close the AOZ Window. (related to bugs 662, 665) 03/20/2021 02:20 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
658 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed X Hard(X_SCREEN) and Y Hard(Y_SCREEN) now cause Internal errors. 04/21/2021 10:33 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
647 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Bringing up the search box (Ctrl-F) now takes over the entire display, making it very difficult to perform searches! 07/15/2021 10:55 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
645 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed ASCII Man Reloaded errors out any time the pac guy collides with an enemy. 09/22/2021 09:58 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
643 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed The X Hard(XS) and Y Hard(YS) functions cause a Magician (guru) error in both manifests due to an Internal error. 04/21/2021 10:27 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
593 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Mult--level If, Else-If, End If locks up transpiler. 07/15/2021 12:50 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 2 Actions
513 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Every N Proc PROCNAME is broken in RC3. 10/09/2020 12:23 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
459 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed After an error, the editor sometimes loses visibility of text typed. The cursor also disappears. 11/01/2020 03:21 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
402 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Chr$(8), Chr$(9), Chr$(10), Chr$(12),Chr$(13) are not processed properly in AOZ. 02/13/2022 05:29 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
399 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed Gosub and Goto using variable fails (integer or string) 10/09/2020 02:12 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
392 AOZ Studio Beta Bug High Closed String variables are not returned properly from JavaScript. They cause a type mismatch. 09/15/2020 08:03 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
857 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Some text window effects aren't working. 11/07/2021 09:40 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
842 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Volume n fails 01/07/2023 10:45 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
826 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Listbank is broken again. 09/21/2021 11:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
825 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed In AOZ Mode the settings Gear icon is hidden in the debugger when debug windows are moved to the left. 10/02/2021 09:47 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
805 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed The circle command doesn't use the grahpics cursor for positioning as it should. 09/06/2021 07:50 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B9) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
801 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Screen Open clips screen when Text columns & Rows are set. Also font size used is wrong. 09/18/2021 01:53 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
787 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed List Bank is no longer working. (Transpiles incorrectly.) 09/18/2021 02:11 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
783 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed oops 06/14/2021 12:29 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
781 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Bank Shrink Fails. (Improper transpiling.) 07/15/2021 09:35 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
779 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed CMove$ fails. (It transpiles incorrectly.) 07/15/2021 10:21 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
766 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Bar command draws bars 1 pixel too small in both directions. 02/13/2022 05:28 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
751 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Can't set Z position for Actor. 07/15/2021 10:34 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
746 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed When using a transparent background, text does not redraw properly when over-written. 01/01/2022 03:57 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
721 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Delete no longer works from the project tree. 04/17/2021 01:14 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
711 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed The Gamepad Threshold instruction was working, but now fails. 04/14/2021 01:56 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
707 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed The help tab sometimes stays out after the pane is closed. 06/04/2021 06:01 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B6a) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
703 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Cannot re-open a closed screen. 04/01/2021 10:52 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B6a) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
690 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Closed Editor font size must be 15 pt. 03/19/2021 09:00 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
(1-50/179) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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